Thursday, October 31, 2019

Immigration and Employment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Immigration and Employment - Essay Example (Castle & Miller, 2003) First it is important that we defined both terms as used, "cultural mosaic" is mostly used to refer to multiculturalism that is used to mean many diverse culture in a place or in an area where diverse culture relates together peacefully. the concept is used to contrast the melting pot term which is used to imply the "ingredients" in the pot which are people with diverse cultures melting together to fuse and form one identity. The two ideas are very different from each other, however the Canadian concept is seen as a more positive especially when it comes to employment and immigrants working in the country. (Castle & Miller, 2003) Canada is a country which is obviously multicultural due to many immigrants that have immigrated to the country over the years. Canada is well known all over the world for being among the most liberal, democratic and welcoming countries in the whole world. It's as a vibrant mosaic of diverse culture where different people resides and work together peaceful. It is estimated that 16% of the total Canadian population of 30 million are first-generation immigrants. The Canadian government is dedicated to a guiding principle of diversity which is designed to preserve and improve the diverse cultural heritage of the Canadians, whilst attempting to attain equality in the social, cultural political and economic issues of Canada. (Castle & Miller, 2003) The "melting pot" is designed to imply homogeneous society development where people with diverse cultural backgrounds are put together to create a multi-ethnic society. as Northrop Frye a literary philosopher observes, Canadian students have been conditioned from the early stage to think of themselves as citizen of a nation with uncertain identity, with a unclear past and a dangerous future on the other hand children in America are conditioned from very early stage to believe in themselves that they are citizens of a the greatest nation in the world. (Castle & Miller, 2003) Many people who have settled in Canada and America always have some kind of reference about the two countries. While those settled in the United States talk of the similarities they share those in Canada talk about the differences. Probably this is because of the in the United States people are expected to adopt to the culture in the United States while in Canada people are the Canadian respect and value the differences. Canada has always been a mosaic country, as explained by sociology historian Castle & Miller (2003) who termed Canada as "a vertical mosaic" and the mosaic term keeps being used because immigrants are encouraged to maintain their culture when in the country. Though both countries have a history of immigrants the two countries have had different policies towards same issues. In the beginning American believed in creating a nation which favoured unity and individual rights, where unity of the nation was more important than the diversity of individuals. While in Canada the country encouraged a system which was based on ethnic particularly with the emphasis of the French culture and French language. (Castle & Miller, 2003) Effects on employment As pertaining employment of immigrants in Canada which is a central social issue

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Labyrinth of Solitude Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Labyrinth of Solitude - Essay Example Paz turns spiritual to explain the desperate search for identity by the Mexicans thus: He urges the Mexican people to wake up from their dream state, know the ground realities, and act on in the world outside with the practical approach, without the feeling of self-pity of self-condemnation. In that state of inner concentration, he states that Mexicans will realize that they are a cosmic race freed from all sorts of negativities and confusion. That will be the beginning of real progress for the Mexicans. Octavio Paz tries to provide the national dimension to solitude, essentially a personal trait. Wit intelligent arguments the author proves his point that solitude can be a national characteristic, the trait of an entire culture or nation. He argues that solitude is intrinsic to the historical character of Mexico and as such it is the key to understand its history in its proper perspective. Though not a negative trait, solitude is linked to melancholy and for Mexico it originates in a psychological complex of defeat, according to the author. The reasons can be found in the political history of Mexico, its own authoritarian rulers to begin with. People live under oppression and suppression under such rulers and will not have the opportunities for the free and full growth of their individual personalities. Subdued individual personalities make a subdued and dispirited society and nation. The process began with the rule of its own authoritarian rulers followed by the authoritarian Spani sh conquerors that were cruel and ruthless and they were then replaced by the authoritarian oligarchies during the era of independence. Another factor by which the people of Mexico were overawed was the intimidator posture of United States. People were not exposed to peaceful disposition under all these conditions and their inner resentment was brewing often resulting in violent expressions. But the same cannot be categorized as inferiority complex. Paz explains this

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Effects of Agricultural Soil Contamination

Effects of Agricultural Soil Contamination 1. Introduction Agricultural soils contaminated with heavy metals such as lead (Pb) is a threat to human health. Plants grown in contaminated soil can accumulate these metals in the shoots and roots. Metals accumulate in Living organism, especially the liver and kidneys, when these plants are used as fodder for livestock and domestic animals. Thereby enter the human food chain (Akan et al., 2010). Lead is one of the heavy metal with high extension and toxicity. Although it is not an essential element for plants or animals, but can easily be absorbed by plants and animal (Sengar et al., 2008). Pb released into the environment by mining and smelting of Pb ore, burning of coal, effluents from storage batteries, automobile exhausts, metal plating, applications of fertilizers and pesticides, and additives in paint and petrol ((Eick et al.1999; Sharma and Dubey, 2005). Inhibition of the metals uptake and transport by plants is one of the adverse effects of lead (Fodor et al, 1998). Sharma and Dubey (2005) reported that, High concentrations of Pb the in soil causes imbalance of mineralin plants. So that it is prevented from entering cations (potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper and iron) and anions (nitrate) into the root. Pourrut, et al (2011) stated that decreased nutrient absorption in the presence of Pb may be results of the changes in physiological plants activity or presence of competition between elements and lead (e.g., the same atomic size). More research is often carried out to investigate the behavior of a single metal in the plants. Therefore, examining the relationship between heavy metals and nutrients in plants that are grown in contaminated metals is an important factor in preventing the toxic effect of these metals (Siedlecka and Krupa, 1999). Interaction between iron and heavy metals such as Pb is important. Because, heavy metal influence on iron adsorption and accumulation in the root apoplasm, uptake by root and transfer from root to stem and leaves. Therefore, iron deficiency may affect the uptake and accumulation of heavy metals (Fodor, 2006). Iron is an essential element for plant growth and development (Curie Briat 2003). Under aerobic conditions, iron (III) oxy-hydroxide is the dominant form of Fe in the soil. This form is a very low solubility. Thus, available form of iron for plants is limited under these conditions. Accordingly, one of the limiting factors in agriculture production is iron deficiency in agriculture soil of different parts of the worlds (Hansen et al 2006). Generally, two major strategies used by plants under the iron deficient condition. The Strategy I used by dicotyledonous and non-graminaceous monocotyledonous plants. These plants increased acidification of the rhizosphere and reduction of ir on (III) to iron (II) in the rhizosphere through extrude H+ into the rhizosphere. Therefore, causing increased iron availability to plants (Kobayashi and Nishizawa, 2012). Strategy II is confined to graminaceous monocotyledonous plant species such as maize. Under iron deficiency condition, enhanced release phytosiderophores, which are non-proteinogenic amino acids with low-molecular-weight and high affinity for complex formation with Fe+3 (Meda et al 2007; Marschner, 1995). Generally, the optimum soil pH range for uptake Iron by plants is 5 and 5.5. Therefore, Fe deficiency is one of the widespread nutritional disorders in the plants grown on calcareous and alkaline soils (with pH>7) (Bojovic et al., 2012). So, Iron deficiency in these soils can be corrected by spraying the plants with solution of iron chelates or ferrous sulfate more efficient than any other applications of Fe to the soil (Fageria et al., 2009). Grusak and Pezeshgi, (1996) and Vert et al, (2003) reported, when, Iron used as a foliar spray, the signals of shoot to root played an important role in iron utilization by roots. One of the topics that can be discussed, is related to the role of iron on Pb uptake and translocation in plants (Bojovic et al., 2012). The Fe nutritional status of the plants with Strategists I and II may influence heavy metal uptake (Fodor, 2006). Among crop plant species, maize (Zea mays. L) is the most important cereal crop in world and it is widely grown through out the world (Mejia, 2005). Also, it is an important cereal crop of Iran and Is cultivated for fodder as well as for grain purpose in Iran (Nuraky et al., 2011). According to the material presented, further investigations are needed to examine the interaction between iron and lead. Thus, the present study aims to investigate; (i) Lead accumulation in roots and shoots of two cultivars of maize (260 and 704); (ii) Effect of foliar iron application on the uptake of lead by roots and its transport to the shoots and finally (iii) effects of lead accumulation and foliar iron application on Manganese, copper, zinc concentration and their transport. 2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Soil sampling and preparation This study was conducted in the research greenhouse of the college of agriculture and natural resources, university of Tehran. The uncontaminated soil (Normally contains 1.5 mgPbkg-1) used in this study was collected from a depth of 0–25 cm of the research farm, university of Tehran. It was air-dried at room temperature and pass through a 2 mm mesh sieve. Then, the soil was artificially contaminated by adding PbCl2. Chemical and physical characteristics summarized in Table 1. 2.2. Analytical methods 2.2.1. Soil characterization Soil texture was determined by hydro-metric method (Bouyoucos1962), total nitrogen (N) by Kjeldal method (Bremner1996), extractable phosphorous by Olsen method (Kuo1996), exchangeable potassium through normal acetate ammonium method (Hemke and Spark1996), electrical conductivity on saturated extract by Rhoades method (Rhoades1996), organic carbon content by Walkley–Black method (Nelson1982), the elements concentration were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry (Shimadzu-AA6400; Shimadzu Corp., Tokyo, Japan)) according to Waling et al (1989), cation exchange capacity (CEC) by Bower method (Sumner and Milker1996). Measurement of soil pH was done on saturated extract and equivalent calcium carbonate content was determined according to Carter and Gregorich (2008). 2.2.2. Plant analysis After a growing period (75 days), the harvested plants separated into shoots and roots. Thoroughly washed with deionized water. The roots and shoots were oven-dried at 70 Â ± 50 C for 48h. Dry ash method (muffle furnace at 550 ÃÅ'Ã…   C for 6 h) was used for determining metal concentration in plant samples. After extraction (Cottenie1980) mineral concentrations were measured in plant samples by atomic absorption spectroscopy (Shimadzu-AA6400; Shimadzu Corp., Tokyo,Japan) (Waling et al.1989). Root volume was determined by water displacement in a graduated cylinder (Messenger et al., 2000). Method of water displacement in a graduated cylinder used for determining the root volume (Messenger et al., 2000).. 2.3. Experimental treatments A Factorial experiment based on a completely randomized design with three replications was conducted in a calcareous soil under greenhouse conditions. Experimental treatments Included four levels of Pb (0 as a control, 100,200, and 400 mgPb kg-1 soil), two varieties of maize (260 and 704), four levels of iron sulfate spraying (0: without spraying, 2, 4 and 6 gr (FeSO4.7H2O) in thousand ml distilled water, respectively) at the stage of eight leaves. Lead chloride (PbCl2) was used to contaminate soils in pots. it was dissolved in distilled water and sprayed on soils. Before cultivation of plants, treated soils were incubated at 25Ã ¢-Â ¦C and field capacity moisture for 150 days to allow Pb to achieve a balanced condition in contaminated soil. The control treatment (non-spray iron) sprayed with distilled water for the same conditions. (Pb0: Uncontaminated soil and Pb1, Pb2, Pb3 are 100, 200 and 400 mg Pb kg-1 soil, respectively / Fe0: Without Spraying and Fe1, Fe2, Fe3 are Foliar Spr ay with dissolve 2, 4 and 6 gr Feso4.7H2O in thousand ml distilled water, respectively). 2.4. Plant culture and greenhouse condition Seeds of maize (Zea mays L) were obtained from the Seed and Sapling Research Institute of Karaj, Iran. The experimental plants (four per pot) were grown in plastic pots (18 cm height, 15.5 cm diameter, containing 3 kg of dry soil). The pots were watered based on 80% of the soil field capacity. Artificial light was used and daily light was adjusted to 12–14 h and 10000 luxe. Greenhouse temperature was 25Â ±2Â ° C. 2.5. Translocation Factor The translocation factor (TF) is used to investigate metal transfer from root-to-shoot. It was calculated by the following equation: (Han et al, 2013) TF = (1) 2.6. Statistical Analysis Data were analyzed by ANOVA using SAS software version 9.1 (SAS Institute, Cary, N.C.,USA). Duncan’s test was used to determine the significant differences between means (P

Friday, October 25, 2019

TRAINING Essay -- essays research papers

This is an outline of the recommended training program I designed for my self, based on my current needs assessment. I discovered that I would like to improve my managerial skills, improve my communication skills, and improve time management in order to become a successful business analyst. In my opinion in order to make these needed improvements in my career I will need to further develop myself professionally. I am currently taking classes towards my Bachelor of Arts degree in management information systems, and I have targeted April 2005 as a start date for additional training. The following are subjects that were identified during my needs assessments:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Stress management  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dealing with difficult employees  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Understanding budgets  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Time management  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Leadership skills  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Project management Listed below are the courses I recommend for my career advancement. Each course is designed to give maximum results in minimum time. I have listed the courses with some of the major specifications of each course, and a brief explanation of why the course will benefit my career growth. I have set a twelve to eighteen-month timetable, with courses being taking approximately every other month. Stress Management for women:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Attack stress at its source by learning the 7 major causes of st...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Green & Co.

Company Name: Greens & Co. Research Subject: Market Research for Exporters This Case study is based on the largest and most successful supermarket chains in the UK, Greens & Co. for the purpose of doing a market research to enter the American Grocery market. I have tried to answer the given questions as I have understood the Case study and the market research strategies taken by Greens & Co. 1. Identify the types of market intelligence that Greens & Co. sed to move into the US market. Ans: In my opinion competitor intelligence used by the Greens & Co. to identify the advantages and disadvantages of their US based competitor or potential rival, McLarens before entering the US market Because, McLarens was already so successful in such a huge market. As per my understanding of the case study, the types of market intelligence that Greens and Co. used are the following: i) Forces that have an effect on the market: Greens and Co. s analysts observed the cooking and the shopping patterns of households as well as their spending and quantity patterns which cover all demographic segments and gathered required information about each family including family income, number of members of each family, employment status, group, food habits, attitude towards fast food and healthy food age for a long time. They even considered the time spent at home by each family member ii) Product specific data: Greens and Co. ’s analysts discovered that American consumers like to visit different stores for different products.So, before opening in Southern California, the company researched about both food quality and price for increased sales. They found that 46% of consumers were more prone to choose the healthier food when two equally priced food were offered to them. Some consumers were also ready to pay extra for the healthier food than the less expensive less nutritional option. iii) Market Infrastructure: The concept of a cross between convenience stores and grocery stores( Green XPress) was never a usual scenario for US consumers where the products shall be a lot less expensive than convenience store yet he environment is more customer oriented than typical grocery store. So, Greens and Co. took the initiative of introducing the GreenXPress format because they realized that this format had the potential to be successful because of it’s unique offerings. 2. What information gathered from the research influenced Greens & Co’s business decisions? Ans: The information gathered that influenced Green and Co. ’s business decisions are the following: )The most important information that influenced Green & Co’s decision to enter the US market is that their US competitor McLarens , they did not have as much presence in California as in other states, states which gave Greens & Co. an opportunity to enter the Californian market without entering into a head-on competition with McLarens. ii) They discovered that American consumers prefer healt hier food no matter the healthier versions of any product meant to be more expensive. iii) The researcher of Greens & Co. found that American consumers visit different stores for different products.This gave them an opportunity to have American’s try their brand out as well as the older brands already existing in the market and those that they are familiar with. iv)They found that there is no such presence of the concept of GreenXPress format, which is a cross between a grocery and a convenience store, which meant the products cost less than a convenience store yet the environment was more customer oriented than a normal grocery outlet. So, the introduction of such concept will be beneficial for people with both high disposable income as well as low income people. . Using the case study, formulate the research objectives for the primary/qualitative research that was conducted in American family homes. Ans: As per the case study, the research objectives were: i) To study the A merican kitchens and examining the contents of their refrigerators, as well as tracking grocery shopping frequency, spending and quantity patterns with several demographic segments. ii) To observe the food habits of the average Americans, whether they were more fast-food oriented or healthy food oriented. ii) To gather information about each family, including household income, family size and employment status to figure out whether average American families are able to buy products from the Green & Co. outlets. iv) To gather information about age group of the family members to determine whether there are more children or adults to determine the family’s tendency for fast food or healthy food and even the time spent by family members at home. 4. Was Greens & Co. pursuing exploratory, descriptive or causal research? Provide examples from the case study to support your response. Ans: In my opinion, Greens & Co. as pursuing more of an exploratory research design as the research t hat they made were based on observation, pulling out primary data about American consumers and executive interviews. The research they made were exploratory in nature, providing a picture of the market which included the potential market size and purchasing or shopping frequency. The analysts of Greens & Co. spent a lot of time analyzing the refrigerator contents, the family income, the employment status, the age group of family members, the time that the family members are present at home, the food habits etc. hich all suggest that in these pieces of information they were actually exploring the American families to gain insights so that they can be successful in the US market. 5. The retail grocery and consumables market is probably one of the most concentrated in the US. What sort of research was covered prior to the move into the American grocery market? Ans: Prior to the move into a huge market like US the Greens & Co. had conducted research based on competitive intelligence and then competitor intelligence.They found that their biggest competitor McLarens did not have that hold in California as strong as in the other states of US which provoked them to enter the US market by starting at California while escaping a strong competition. They gathered information about the different groups of people with different income levels. Not only that they also gathered some very important information from interviewing competitor’s executives and also conducted a survey including 200 shoppers to see the correlation that both food quality and price resulted in increased sales.The most important thing they found in US that there is no such concept of a cross between a grocery and a convenience store, which means the products will cost less than a convenience store yet the environment will be more customer oriented than a normal grocery outlet. So, it can be said that they have mainly conducted exploratory research and some sort of causal research before entering the US market. Sources: Course Documents, PPT #1,#2,#3 Case study material (Assignment #01) http://www. marketingprofs. com/ea/qst_question. asp? qstid=2819

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Bohol Countryside Package tour Essay

Commentary: Good Afternoon Everyone! I’m Queensy del Corro, your tour guide for this 2-Day and 1 night Bohol Countryside Package tour. You can call me queen, queens or just â€Å"Q†, whatever that suits you. And now, We are on our way to our first stop The St. Joseph Cathedral. St. Joseph the Worker is the patron saint of the city. The original church was built by the Jesuits through forced labour of the local people. But on December 23, 1798 the church was demolished to the ground. The cross-shaped church was reconstructed in 1839 to 1855. Less than two decades later, the two-storey convent was added, followed by the bell tower. As you can see the cathedral has a neo-Romanesque look, with corbelled arches underneath the cornice. Built from the usual materials found in other old churches built by the Spanish colonizers, the church retains the classic look at the front facade. In the inside. The church is both simple and majestic. Simple because the decorations are not as ornate as those we would see in Baclayon Church. Which you will be able to see tomorrow on our 2nd day. Or that of the Sto. Nino Basilica in Cebu. Majestic because it inspires awe when you look up at the display of saints behind the altar. Weddings are grandest at the cathedral which would explain why it is not easy to get a reservation for the wedding schedules. If you really want to, give yourself a year to reserve in order to be sure. So now, you can look around, take pictures and I’ll give you just enough time to admire the sacred place. And please do minimize your voices for there is a lot of church goers who prays and visits this place every now and then. And for our next destination, We are now here at The Sandugo or Blood Compact Shrine monument in Bo-ol district of Tagbilaran City. Does anyone here have an idea what the word â€Å"Sandugo† means? â€Å"Sandugo† is a Visayan word which means â€Å"one blood† or in tagalog â€Å"Iisang-dugo† . It was a blood compact, performed between the Spanish explorer Miguel Là ³pez de Legazpi and Datu Sikatuna, the chieftain of Bohol on that time. It became one of a landmark site of the first international treaty of friendship between Spaniards and Filipinos. It happened on March 16, 1565, to seal their friendship as part  of the tribal tradition. The monument, with the bronze statues of Miguel Lopez de Legazpi, Rajah Sikatuna and several other witnesses, was a masterpiece of the Boholano sculptor and National Artist for Sculpture, Napoleon Abueva. Take time to have your pictures taken, and you may also enjoy the over-looking view of the Bohol Sea at the back, just be careful. I know you’re a bit hungry at the moment but don’t worry ‘cause we are now here at Bohol Bee Farm. You’ll be able to enjoy their healthy and organic food without feeling guilty after consuming a plate or two. But not only that, you’ll also enjoy to get near the cages or synthetic bee hives where the bees produce honey to pastries with traces of grated vegetables. A guide will assist you there so don’t worry. They also offer accommodation services such as, spas, massage areas and alike. So I’ll give you enough time to enjoy the food and most especially the place. Have and fun and I’ll see you after an hour and a half. And now, we are here at Panglao Shell Museum also known as The Nova Shell Museum, It features an enchanting collection of sea shells, especially those endemic to the waters of Panglao and Bohol. The museum is owned and operated by Mr. Quirino Hora who has practically devoted half his life in the collecting, studying and archiving of these underwater creatures. His hobby soon developed into a source of income for his family and provided employment opportunities to the local folks. At present, the Shell Museum showcases one of the biggest shell collections in the world. For enthusiasts of the beautiful sea life, the place is definitely on the top of the list. Fun fact, two shells are already named after him, the Busa Quirihoria and the Primovula Horai. The former was discovered in 1987 and the latter in 1994, along the pristine shores of Panglao Island. A tourist guide on standby can provide us information about the shells displayed inside the museum. Let’s now hear it from him. I know you are all feeling tired from the almost half a day of travelling on the way here in Bohol. And the some short stops we did along the way, that’s why I’m ending our first day early leaving you here in the Paradise of Bellevue Resort. Reservations are already made so you don’t have to worry  about anything. Free breakfast is included for tomorrow. Enjoy, Relax and have fun! The Bellevue Resort is everything you would imagine having in the best night of your tour. Experience a life of luxury with The Bellevue’s five star appointments. The customer service desk is open for any inquires you may need. Call time tomorrow would be at 7:30 here at the exact area where we are now. See you! We’ll be leaving exactly at 8am. Bring your swim wear just in case! DAY 2 Good Morning Everyone! So how was your sleep? Did you enjoy your Bellevue experience last night? I hope you did. Have everyone here had their breakfast? ‘cause we have a long day ahead of us. Our first destination for this day is the Hinagdanan Cave here in Bingag, Dauis still in the Island of Panglao, Bohol. In the area, you’ve seen numerous souvenir shops that sell a wide variety of souvenir items like keychain, T- shirts, hats and the likes. I highly recommend to buy your â€Å"pasalubongs† here, for their shops have cheaper prices than of the other you’ll see on our way. But you can do it later, don’t worry I’ll give you time for that. Upon entering, the cave’s interior is quite dark, that’s why you need to adjust your cameras for proper lighting when you take pictures. If you don’t know the proper camera setting, I’ll be glad to assist you how to do so. I can also take your picture if you want to. Inside the cave you can see a big, clean, and deep lagoon where you can bathe. So anyone who brought their swim wears with them? You may now go dipping! Next stop-over would be here at Dauis Church. The church is named Our Lady of Assumption. It is located in the heart of Dauis town. The big area outside serves as the playground for kids and picnic area for families during afternoons. Inside the church, you will see the â€Å"Miraculous well† as they say. Because according to some people, the water from the well can cure illnesses and sometimes helps you acquire things that you’ve been wishing for a long time. At the back of the church, near the exit door you can see a small kiosk like structure where they sell bottled water from the  Ã¢â‚¬Å"miraculous well†. You can buy it for 20 pesos. Take time to look over the place and don’t think twice to ask me help you take your pictures. Next in line is meeting Prony! The Python in Captivity. Prony is a self-developed and trained Python. It is owned by Sofronio (â€Å"Fronio†), where the name â€Å"Prony† came from. This is the biggest and longest Phyton in captivity is in the Island. Prony was captured last October 21, 1996 which only weighs 5 kilos and is 5 feet long during that time . Animal and snake experts says that the growth of Prony is abnormal as Pythons who live in the wild with the same sizes are already 50 years old comparing to Prony who is only 9 years old. The owner says that Prony’s growth abnormality is due to the fact that they treated the Python with outmost care. They fed Prony live chickens before but due to her large consumption and the cost of chickens, they now fed her with pig or goat every month. Prony has an amazing ability to sense unsuitable food such as sick pigs and goats. Prony doesn’t like dark, spotted and dirty pigs. She chooses clean white pigs that weigh over 40 kilos. The Python is given a bath 4 times a day and celebrates her own birthday annually. Now, you can take pictures with Prony. And if you like, they also have photographers to take your picture and give you a printed one right after with a reasonable price. As what I’ve said yesterday, we’ll be visiting the Baclayon Church – The Baclayon Church regarded as the second-oldest church in the Philippines; next to San Agustin Church in Intramuros. Symbolizing Catholicism’s influence in the island, the Baclayon Church was built from corals bound together by mortar mixed from eggwhite. Inside the church, you can see the dark interior of Baclayon Church, the gilded retablo behind the altar will definitely catch your attention, it is a baroque confection bedecked with backlit icons. Let’s walk to the back of the church and you’ll see carroza, or carriages for religious processions; some walls and part of the floors are engraved with the names of devotees presumably buried under the tiles. We’ll now be entering the Baclayon parish museum, please keep your cameras for picture-taking inside is not allowed. You’ll find the relics of ivory icons of Jesus and Mary; relics of Jesuit saints; church music written on sheepskin; priestly vestments; and religious artwork. Notes at the bottom  part of the relics are provided, take time to read while the local guide tours you around the museum. For the awaited lunch buffet, we are now here at the Loboc River Cruise. This is not something optional if you don’t want to miss a superb experience in your Bohol country side tour. Enjoy a buffet lunch in a festival themed floating restaurant while enjoying the cool breeze blowing inside it as it traverses Loboc’s clean river which is surrounded by lush green plants. Loboc River Cruise also offer a night cruise which is perfect for a romantic dinner. Along the cruise you’ll see several lanterns in the trees which surely look great at night. Enjoy your lunch while listening to the local bands ready to serenade you throughout the cruise. And don’t be surprised if they do some short stop-overs to let you see and admire the local children dancing and singing folk songs. On our way to Chocolate Hills, let’s take this opportunity to stop-over in Bohol’s Man-made Forest. The 2-kilometer expanse of verdant vegetation mostly of Mahogany trees, added with ferns, some wild bushes and flowers. The Mahogany Forest was part of the nationwide reforestation program that was launched in the 1960s during the reign of Diosdado Macapagal. The 857.4 hectares of bare land was gradually planted with young Mahogany trees by volunteers. You can also now take the opportunity of taking memorable pictures of another grand spectacle of Mother Nature and at the same time, also a product of human ingenuity. For our last but not the least destination. The Famous Chocolate Hills. The world-renowned cone-shaped Chocolate Hills is Nature’s expression of beauty, mystery and romance. Chocolate Hills is also cited as a Geological Movement of the country and is also known as the Eighth Wonder of the World. It consists of approximately 1,268 hay cock hills with heights ranging from 40 to 120 meters. Formed centuries ago by tidal movements, the hills are considered as a National Geologic Movement. During the summers, the dome-shaped grass covered limestone hills dry up and turn brown, transforming the area into seemingly endless rows of chocolate â€Å"kisses†. Two of the highest hills have been now developed and provided with facilities  such as a restaurant, hostel and a view deck. Now go ahead and explore Bohol’s Pride! Goodluck on climbing the 214 steps before reaching the view deck. Take Care!! Myth Story telling: On our way to Chocalate Hills Legend has it that when giants live with mortals, a gentle giant fell in love with a beautiful village girl. Agoro, the giant was handsome and though a favorite among female giants, was also a loner. When everything and everybody sleeps, Arogo would sit by his favorite spot near the river to ponder or just watch the night pass by. One night while Arogo was by his spot, he noticed a beautiful native girl with hair as black as the night by the river bank. He instantly fell in love with Aluya. After that night. Arogo would always wait by his place to take a glimpse at his beloved Aluya. A rumor reached Arogo that Aluya would soon marry a man her parents chose for her. The night before Aluya’s wedding, Agoro kidnapped Aluya. Seeing a giant, Aluya screamed, kicked and cried, but to no avail. Arogo was successful in abducting Aluya. In the giant’s cave, Arogo tried to give Aluya food and water but the girl kept on crying. Her sadness reached her heart that she died with tears in her eyes. Arogo buried her and kept his vigil. He cried for days and months. Giant tears fell to the ground. He cried a thousand years for the loss of his love. After sometime, Arogo’s tears hardened and became what we know today as Chocolate hills. The Hills were witnesses of an unrequited love of the years go by. There are at least 1,776 uniform hills that leave visitors no wonder how they came to be. And that would end our tour 2 day 1 night Bohol Countryside Tour. I hope you had fun even just for a brief period of time. I enjoyed your company and I’ll be expecting to see you here again! Thank you so much! And it’s me, Queensy del Corro again, signing off as your tour guide.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Tips to Write a Flawless Research Paper from Scratch

Tips to Write a Flawless Research Paper from Scratch Tips to Write a Brilliant Research Paper Students should never underestimate the education process and expect it to be simple. Every academic course appears to be a challenge no matter if you study in a high school, college or university. Students face tons of writing tasks and assignments of different types. Writing tasks have a great influence on the academic progress and define your final grade at the end of the curse. Failing the task means problems in getting a higher mark or completing your education. Students are assigned tons of different academic works. Research papers are probably the most common ones. Although we are all familiar to this type of assignment, a few students are actually able to come up with a flawless paper that meets all necessary requirements. In this article, we will find out what a research paper is and how to write a brilliant work. The Definition of a Research Paper A research paper is a typical writing tasks for students who study in high schools, colleges and universities. The paper refers to different grades and levels. It represents a scientific work where students are supposed to highlight their acknowledgment with the topic in addition to an in-depth research and analysis of the subject. The main mission is to stress the issue of the topic, explore it, provide argumentation and solutions to the problem raised. Although each research paper refers to different fields and areas, it features a typical structure. Make sure your paper has: An introduction. A thesis statement. Body paragraphs. Conclusion. Sometimes you may be asked to additionally provide an outline and reference list. Make sure you strictly follow all the instruction assigned by the teacher. Also keep an eye on the type of the paper you need to write. A research paper can be of different types. General Research Paper Types Although all research papers have the same goal when it comes to students writing challenges, they can be of different types. Each type boasts its own unique particularities. Make sure you have a clear understanding of the task. Otherwise, you will not be able to provide a high-quality content. Here are some of the main types of research papers students usually face: Definition Papers; Cause Effect Paper; Argumentative Essay; Analytic and Report Research Papers; Compare Contrast Essays. These are some of the major paper types you will have to write during the education course. Define the type of the project and you will define its aim. Now, lets get to the writing tips that will make it easy to produce a high-quality paper. Research Paper Writing Tips It does not actually matter, what type of research paper you were assigned. You will need all your knowledge of the subject in addition to exceptional research and analytic skills. A few writers can boast possessing such an award-winning combination. However, there are still some tips that will put an ease on the writing process. We do hope they will help you save some energy and time: Make an outline start planning your paper beforehand. Avoid writing your work 2 days before the deadline. Reserve at least a couple of weeks; Conduct a strong thesis statement every brilliant research paper starts with a winning thesis statement. Make it short and persuasive at the same time. Hook your readers up and highlight the main problem and argumentation of your paper; Take notes keep on writing notes every time you have some fresh ideas. They will let you make the text more lively. Keep them all in one place; Follow all the requirements make sure your work meets all established requirements. The slightest miss, and you are doomed to failure; Edit and proofread keep an eye on the slightest grammar and punctuation mistake. Ensure it is 100% plagiarism-free and well-formatted. If you still have difficulties in completing the task, you can opt for some more effective solutions like buying paper online from a proven company that delivers exceptional quality writing services. Who Can Help to Write a Research Paper? Students face numerous obstacles on the way to a successful education course. The lack of time in addition to dozens of regular assignments hardly put an ease on the studying process. This is where online writing services may come in handy. Choose only well-established websites with a good reputation on the web. Avoid amateur writing companies and opt for proven leaders in the niche of academic assistance.

Monday, October 21, 2019

buy custom Privacy essay

buy custom Privacy essay Introduction Privacy is defined as the state by which an individuals information is not disclosed to the public (Ford and English 752). In medical field, health in information is in most cases kept private by the health professionals so that they remain confidential to the patient. However, it depends on the consent of the patient whether the information can be disclosed to the public or not. In the United States, the HIPAA Rule offers federal protection for health information of the citizens (Ford). This Privacy Rule is considered as balanced and therefore allows the disclosure of peoples personal health information which is necessary for patient care as well as other fundamental purposes. The American Security Rule amends a series of physical, technical, and administrative safeguards for the citizens to ensure the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of computerized and protected health records or information. The protection and management of health information can be dated back to the American Health Information Management Association which was established in 1928 (Ford). There are two perspectives regarding the privacy of health information: privacy can be seen as an obstacle to attaining amelioration in health care due frequent use of health information technology; and privacy of the health information to strengthen the confidence and trust of the consumer. Strengths and weaknesses of personal health information privacy According to Ford and English (752), Americans are cognizant of the limitations and strengths of using health information technology regarding health information of the consumer. It has been found that most of the American citizens prefer the computerized access to their personal health information which will be beneficial both to respective citizens and the health care providers. They develop this perspective because of the belief that the computerized access to health information can promote the quality of health care. The other category of citizens has the opposing perspective on the privacy and confidentiality of personal health information. According to this category of individuals, keeping the personal health information private and confidential can avoid the following vices: the insurers accessing personal health records of the contributor; employers getting to access to employees health information; identity theft or fraud; and use of personal medical information for marketin g purposes. Therefore, according to this category, appropriate securities to privacy must be integrated within the health information technology policies and systems. It is however considered a difficult task to lay down appropriate protections to privacy in a retroactive manner and to bring back the already undermined public trust. This protection of privacy will aavoid harm and promote reliability and accuracy of information which will be the basis of health care (Ford and English 752). Lack of suitable protections of security and privacy within the health care system consumers will develop behaviors that they believe can promote privacy so that their health information is not used in an unsuitable way (Cheng 1404). When citizens, become aware that the privacy of their health information will not be protected, they hold back information from the concerned health providers so that to avoid their medical data from being revealed to the public. Those individuals who are categorized as ethnic and racial minorities report increased levels of the privacy issues regarding their medical records and have a higher probability of practicing the behaviors that can protect the privacy of the personal health information (Ford and English 753). The behaviors such as paying out-of-pocket for ones own care, frequent switching of doctors, asking doctors to manipulate a diagnosis, or avoiding seeking medical care, are meant to protect the privacy of health information, which can in turn shield individuals from discrimination or stigmatization (Cheng 1405). The aftermaths of such behaviors include: impaired accuracy of the diagnosis and treatment of infections; reduced quality of health care; increment in treatment costs; weakening of the public health, quality, and research initiatives because of inaccurate medical records. Buy custom Privacy essay

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Max and Inflection Points of Chi-Square Distribution

Max and Inflection Points of Chi-Square Distribution Mathematical statistics uses techniques from various branches of math to prove definitively that statements regarding statistics are true. We will see how to use calculus to determine the values mentioned above of both the maximum value of the chi-square distribution, which corresponds to its mode, as well as find the inflection points of the distribution.   Before doing this, we will discuss the features of maxima and inflection points in general. We will also examine a method to calculate a maximum the inflection points. How to Calculate a Mode with Calculus For a discrete set of data, the mode is the most frequently occurring value. On a histogram of the data, this would be represented by the highest bar. Once we know the highest bar, we look at the data value that corresponds to the base for this bar. This is the mode for our data set.   The same idea is used in working with a continuous distribution. This time to find the mode, we look for the highest peak in the distribution. For a graph of this distribution, the height of the peak is a y value. This y value is called a maximum for our graph because the value is greater than any other y value. The mode is the value along the horizontal axis that corresponds to this maximum y-value.   Although we can simply look at a graph of a distribution to find the mode, there are some problems with this method. Our accuracy is only as good as our graph, and we are likely to have to estimate. Also, there may be difficulties in graphing our function. An alternate method that requires no graphing is to use calculus. The method we will use is as follows: Start with the probability density function f (x) for our distribution.  Calculate the first and second derivatives of this function: f (x) and f (x)Set this first derivative equal to zero f (x) 0.Solve for x.Plug the value(s) from the previous step into the second derivative and evaluate. If the result is negative, then we have a local maximum at the value x.Evaluate our function f (x) at all of the points x from the previous step.  Evaluate the probability density function on any endpoints of its support. So if the function has domain given by the closed interval [a,b], then evaluate the function at the endpoints a and b.The largest value in steps 6 and 7 will be the absolute maximum of the function. The x value where this maximum occurs is the mode of the distribution. Mode of the Chi-Square Distribution Now we go through the steps above to calculate the mode of the chi-square distribution with r degrees of freedom. We start with the probability density function f(x) that is displayed in the image in this article. f (x) K xr/2-1e-x/2 Here K is a constant that involves the gamma function and a power of 2. We do not need to know the specifics (however we can refer to the formula in the image for these). The first derivative of this function is given by using the product rule as well as the chain rule: f ( x ) K (r/2 - 1)xr/2-2e-x/2 - (K / 2) xr/2-1e-x/2 We set this derivative equal to zero, and factor the expression on the right-hand side: 0 K  xr/2-1e-x/2  [(r/2 - 1)x-1 - 1/2] Since the constant K, the exponential function and xr/2-1   are all nonzero, we can divide both sides of the equation by these expressions.   We then have: 0 (r/2 - 1)x-1 - 1/2 Multiply both sides of the equation by 2: 0 (r - 2)x-1 - 1 Thus 1 (r - 2)x-1 and we conclude by having x r - 2. This is the point along the horizontal axis where the mode occurs.   It indicates the x value of the peak of our chi-square distribution. How to Find an Inflection Point with Calculus Another feature of a curve deals with the way that it curves. Portions of a curve can be concave up, like an upper case U. Curves can also be concave down, and shaped like an   intersection symbol ∠©. Where the curve changes from concave down to concave up, or vice versa we have an inflection point. The second derivative of a function detects the concavity of the graph of the function. If the second derivative is positive, then the curve is concave up. If the second derivative is negative, then the curve is concave down. When the second derivative is equal to zero and the graph of the function changes concavity, we have an inflection point. In order to find the inflection points of a graph we: Calculate the second derivative of our function f (x).Set this second derivative equal to zero.Solve the equation from the previous step for x. Inflection Points for the Chi-Square Distribution Now we see how to work through the above steps for the chi-square distribution. We begin by differentiating. From the above work, we saw that the first derivative for our function is: f (x) K (r / 2 - 1) xr/2-2e-x/2 - (K / 2) xr/2-1e-x/2 We differentiate again, using the product rule twice. We have: f ( x ) K (r / 2 - 1) (r / 2 - 2)xr/2-3e-x/2 - (K / 2)(r / 2 - 1)xr/2-2e-x/2 (K / 4) xr/2-1e-x/2 - (K / 2)(r / 2 - 1) xr/2-2e-x/2 We set this equal to zero and divide both sides by Ke-x/2 0 (r/2 - 1)(r/2 - 2)xr/2-3 - (1 / 2)(r/2 - 1)xr/2-2 (1/ 4) xr/2-1 - (1/ 2)(r/2 - 1) xr/2-2 By combining like terms we have: (r/2 - 1)(r/2 - 2)xr/2-3 - (r/2 - 1)xr/2-2 (1/ 4) xr/2-1 Multiply both sides by 4x3 - r/2, this gives us: 0 (r - 2)(r - 4) - (2r - 4)x x2. The quadratic formula can now be used to solve for x. x [(2r - 4) /- [(2r - 4)2 - 4  (r - 2)(r - 4) ]1/2]/2 We expand the terms that are taken to the 1/2 power and see the following: (4r2 -16r 16) - 4 (r2 -6r 8) 8r - 16 4(2r - 4) This means that: x [(2r - 4) /- [(4(2r - 4) ]1/2]/2 (r - 2) /- [2r - 4]1/2 From this we see that there are two inflection points. Moreover, these points are symmetric about the mode of the distribution as (r - 2) is halfway between the two inflection points. Conclusion We see how both of these features are related to the number of degrees of freedom. We can use this information to help in the sketching of a chi-square distribution. We can also compare this distribution with others, such as the normal distribution. We can see that the inflection points for a chi-square distribution occur in different places than the inflection points for the normal distribution.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Quality management and frameworks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Quality management and frameworks - Essay Example Ensuring a clean environment is critical to sustainable economic growth in Abu Dhabi. The Environment Agency has historically worked with a range of government agencies to define and develop regulation and standards, as well as to enforce them. Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority (ADFCA) is on of the key Abu Dhabi and federal entities concerned with health and safety (Umashev & Willett 2008). Introduction Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority (ADFCA) was established in year 2005, as an independent food regulatory agency for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, with full financial and administrative capacity, administered by an independent Board of Directors. The establishment of the Food Control Authority reflects the Abu Dhabi Government's commitment to protecting the consumer by ensuring the safety and wholesomeness of food served to the public throughout the food chain. The Authority embodies the Abu Dhabi Government's commitment to protecting its consumers, particularly by ensuring the safety and q uality of food served throughout the public. It enforces policies and standards and conducts research and awareness campaigns to maintain a sustainable agriculture and food sector that delivers safe food to the public, protects the health of animals and plants, and adheres to sound environmental practices. The vision of the ADFCA is â€Å"An internationally recognized food and agriculture organization that contributes to the well-being of the community† (ADFCA). Its mission is â€Å"to develop a sustainable agriculture and food sector that ensures the delivery of safe food to the public and protects the health of animals and plants while promoting sound environmental practices through cohesive and effective policies and regulations, quality standards, research and education† (ADFCA). GIS profile GIS and mapping capacities at ADFCA are currently in the exploratory and planning stage phase, and there is interest in utilizing mapping applications to augment their current business processes. Once fully developed, GIS would enable ADFCA to map and understand the location and spatial distribution of food facilities, plan and conduct inspection operations (aided by PDAs and hand-held computers), respond to health alerts, identify suitable locations for new food facilities, and monitor food transport vehicle movements (Geuser, Mooraj, & Oyon, 2009). ASDI involvement ADFCA became a member entity in the SDI community in September 2009. IT & Field Operations is cooperating closely with the ADSIC team in accessing and using ADFCA’s database to map the food establishments with building Geocode and creating a linkage to the Abu Dhabi Spatial Data Infrastructure (AD-SDI) initiative. Some of the activities that ADFCA has participated in include: Pilot Project, With the help of ADSIC team, a pilot area and a food inspector was identified, with a view to mapping the food establishment (Groceries & Supermarkets) of that area with the building Geocodes (made available by ADSIC); and Food Establishment Data, which were mapped with result of pilot project, with their respective information viz. Trade License Details, Activities, Risk Level, Contact Information, Owner Information, ADFCA Inspection Actions (Warnings & Violations) issued in the last one year (Geuser, Mooraj, & Oyon 2009). Participation of ADFCA in SIAL China The Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority announced its participation in SIAL China 2012, which

Friday, October 18, 2019

BRIEF CASE Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

BRIEF CASE - Coursework Example Vernon’s motion for summary judgment. The City was not supposed to grant preferential treatment to employees under USERA. The retaliation and negative comments allegations forwarded by Crews did not constitute materially adverse claims. The issue in this case is determining whether the district court was correct in ruling the summary judgment in favor of the City of Mt. Vernon. The City and its agents allegedly rescinded Crews’s work scheduling policy, denied Crews opportunities for personal development, made negative comments towards him and retaliated against him. The police Department denied Crews his benefits of employment, an action that is against 38 U.S.C Section 4311(a); the benefit of employment defined in this section are provided to both military and non-military employees. The department has fixed Crews’s days off on Mondays and Tuesdays, limiting him the opportunities for bidding his preferred days of the week. Crews alleges that the defendants retaliated by denying to permit his desire to attend FTO classes after he was promoted to corporal position; this action denied Crews opportunities for his career

Management of Quality in ABC organisation Assignment

Management of Quality in ABC organisation - Assignment Example For this report it has been decided to adopt a manufacturing company namely Toyota. This paper will cover the theoretical assumptions of quality management and simultaneously will demonstrate that how Toyota has applied all these assumptions in its business processes (Deal In the recent past, quality has gained prominence as the organisations experienced the high cost of poor quality. According to the scholars of the quality management, all the aspects of the organisation are affected by quality and therefore it has dramatic cost implications. Basically cost to quality can be broadly categorised under two heads namely cost of conformance and cost of non-conformance. The first type of cost is incurred to prevent the second one. After Prius recall, management of Toyota has decided to implement new quality plan. Among those, the most important is the developing of the communication plan. They have a plan to open up a regional customer research centre for collecting customer’s queries and for resolving them. Appraisal Cost: Primarily appraisal costs are incurred to ensure that the defects do not reach to the customers. It consists of a cost of assessing suppliers, inspections of incoming and outgoing materials, product testing and performing audits. Toyota has been crediting the ‘Quality Cost Delivery’ (QCD) award to their suppliers whose cost, delivery and most importantly quality exceeds 95% standard of excellence. The management of Toyota evaluated the suppliers on the basis of the rejection rates on the basis of parts per million (PPM). Internal Failure Cost: It has been associated with all those events which are employed to determine the poor product quality before delivering to the customers. It consists of rework for modifying the defects and losses of material. Even it also includes cost of scraps which refers to the defective products that cannot be corrected

Numerous Disciplines Provide Different Definitions of Soil Assignment

Numerous Disciplines Provide Different Definitions of Soil - Assignment Example In this regard, soil refers to an inert and loose weathering product of the primary rock found on the surface of the earth (Bryant-Mole & Watts 25). Weathering refers to the physical and biogeochemical processes that result in disintegration and decomposition of earth materials such as rocks and sentiments (Indiana University 2). Soils comprise of air, liquids, organic matter and minerals. Soils in Indiana have different attributes, which give them distinctiveness. They differ in texture, color, chemical and biological attributes and structure. These attributes determine the amount of water and air in and to be held in the soils (Burton 2) Soil texture is determined by the comparative fractions of sand, silt and clay (Brady & Weil 53). Soil texture refers to the sizes of the particles that constitute the soil. Sand, silt and clay are used in determining the sizes of soil particles (Bryant-Mole & Watts 37). The presence of sand particles in soils makes the soil be characterized by large soil particles which are gritty. On the other hand, the presence of silt particles in a soil makes the soil particles moderate in size and smooth while the presence of clay characterizes a soil as of smaller particles and sticky. The way the soil particles are assembled determines the structure of the soils. Therefore, soil structure refers to the arrangement and aggregation of soil particles (Miller & Turk 72). Soil structure controls aeration and the amount of water in the soil. Soil particles are either conglomerated as a group of particles or as single grains of particles (Bryant-Mole & Watts 43). In sandy soils, the particles are single grained while in clay soils, the soil particles are aggregated. The single grain particles are solid while the aggregates are porous in character. Soils aggregate differently forming different soil structures. In describing the structure of soils in Indiana, soil scientists note the  size, shape and development of aggregates.  

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Commercial uses of GPS Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7

Commercial uses of GPS - Assignment Example GPS-enabled transporters can be activated when removed from selected machines and provide location updates for recovery. Apart from machines, humans can insert GPS devices in their body for tracking, in case they operate in insecure areas, or are wealthy enough to afford one. A satellite-linked GPS receiver can provide accurate navigational data on the location of a victim and aid in a rescue mission. In shipping, GPS has diverse valuable applications in navigation and service delivery. It is applicable if a company pairs a GPS tracker with a radio transponder for tracking purposes. It can ease their operations significantly, for instance, identification of problems in the course of transportation. The resultant up-to-the-minute update on a movement of products is helpful for companies, as it can help transportation trucks avoid traffic or accident routes. In addition, it is useful in commercial transportation, for instance, one can determine the distance and time a bus or train takes to arrive at its destination. In the contemporary society, companies use GPS in their advertisement and marketing strategies. GPS receivers in portable services such as cell phones enable location-based service delivery in terms of marketing. The GPS device offers estimated geographical location when one connects to a network using a GPS enabled device. In addition, social networking companies such as Twitter have taken up the trend, and offer services to ‘nearby’ consumers. Personalization of service delivery promotes efficiency because it connects virtual presence to real-world nearness. In addition, GPS is widely applicable in survey work and real estate processes. It saves hours of survey work because it enables verification of property location and property size online.  

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY 2 questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY 2 questions - Essay Example In addition to that, there are many natural phenomena that play a fundamental role in promoting global warming. Some of them as identified by (Strasburg) are discussed as follows: Volcanic eruptions: Volcanic eruption is a commonly observed natural phenomenon. As volcanoes erupt, they release tremendous amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. Solar cycles and cosmic rays: Some people hold consent upon the concept that solar cycles and cosmic rays are also a source of global warming. However, there are many who hold controversial views about the role of solar cycles and cosmic rays in aggravating global warming. According to the results of research conducted by some European scientists, â€Å"The chance of the natural cosmic-ray or solar irradiance explanation being responsible for more than 14% of the observed warming is quite negligible.† (Strasburg). Water vapors: Water vapor has been largely recognized as one of the most obvious greenhouse gases. Although it does not contribute towards global warming by adding to the CO2 level in the atmosphere unlike many other causes of global warming, yet it plays the same role as many other greenhouse gases. It is noteworthy that existing CO2 in the air increases the content of water vapors in the air as a feedback. Some misconceptions: People who tend to deny the human contribution in the global warming say also consider plants as a cause of global warming. They base their assertion on the fact that plants generate CO2 into the air particularly when they don’t photosynthesize. However, they are quite ignorant of the fact that they are the fundamental source of O2 in the atmosphere as they consume CO2 released by humans and in turn, produce O2 during the process of photosynthesis. Reason of the controversy about role of humans as promoters of global warming: People all over the world tend to acquire more and more money throughout their professional life. It is indeed, a call of human nature. The technological b oom has facilitated them in fulfilling their dreams in many ways. If people easily confess their contribution in the global warming, they are likely to loose all environment unfriendly facilities that they so frequently utilize. Therefore, in an attempt to defend their unhealthy practices that make them money, they visualize technical measures as the ultimate solution for global warming instead of changing their own attitude towards the world and the nature. However, there is enough scientific evidence to prove the enormous role of humans in promoting the global warming in comparison to the natural phenomena that are commonly referred by humans as the cardinal causes of global warming. There is a need to realize that man only forms a minute part of the vast nature, and is not its owner to exercise rights over it. People should realize that their practices pollute the air and water that in turn promote global warming. How can the supply of water be increased in order to resolve the o ncoming shortage of water fit for human use on Earth? Shortage of pure water is one of the most fundamental environmental calamities humans are encountering in the contemporary age. According to the results of a research conducted by United Nations, an estimated 2.7 billion people are expected to suffer from extreme shortage of water by 2025 provided that the current consumption rates do not decline (Montaigne). â€Å"Severe water shortages affecting at least 400 million people today will affect 4 billion people

Commercial uses of GPS Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7

Commercial uses of GPS - Assignment Example GPS-enabled transporters can be activated when removed from selected machines and provide location updates for recovery. Apart from machines, humans can insert GPS devices in their body for tracking, in case they operate in insecure areas, or are wealthy enough to afford one. A satellite-linked GPS receiver can provide accurate navigational data on the location of a victim and aid in a rescue mission. In shipping, GPS has diverse valuable applications in navigation and service delivery. It is applicable if a company pairs a GPS tracker with a radio transponder for tracking purposes. It can ease their operations significantly, for instance, identification of problems in the course of transportation. The resultant up-to-the-minute update on a movement of products is helpful for companies, as it can help transportation trucks avoid traffic or accident routes. In addition, it is useful in commercial transportation, for instance, one can determine the distance and time a bus or train takes to arrive at its destination. In the contemporary society, companies use GPS in their advertisement and marketing strategies. GPS receivers in portable services such as cell phones enable location-based service delivery in terms of marketing. The GPS device offers estimated geographical location when one connects to a network using a GPS enabled device. In addition, social networking companies such as Twitter have taken up the trend, and offer services to ‘nearby’ consumers. Personalization of service delivery promotes efficiency because it connects virtual presence to real-world nearness. In addition, GPS is widely applicable in survey work and real estate processes. It saves hours of survey work because it enables verification of property location and property size online.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Despairing Companionship Essay Example for Free

Despairing Companionship Essay â€Å"Modern Love,† a poetic sequence by George Meredith, describes a skeptical opinion on the idea of modern love. Meredith’s devastating tone, complex similes and metaphors, and dark imagery convey a sad and regretful outlook on the love of this time. â€Å"Modern Love† is riddled with a tone full of regret and heartache, making this modern love seem more like the opposite of love. The speaker says â€Å"she wept with waking eyes† and her â€Å"strange low sobs† were â€Å"strangled mute.† The words describing this woman are full of grief, full of â€Å"vain regret. † Her husband is painfully aware of his wife’s sadness, through her reaction to â€Å"his hand’s light quiver by her head† and her sobs that were â€Å"dreadfully venomous to him.† The speaker’s worried tone shows how much the husband wishes for his wife to be happy, but his actions of loving care and cautiousness do nothing to quell her tears. This makes modern love seem hopeless and full of despair for both the man and his distraught wife. Use of intense simile and metaphor throughout â€Å"Modern Love† also demonstrates a grim view on the concept of modern love. The muffled cries of the wife are called â€Å"little gaping snakes† showing how afraid and vulnerable the husband is to them. The man’s wife has a â€Å"Giant heart of Memory and Tears† which shows the heavy, almost useless organ that the wife carries around within her, empty of love, only able to remember the sadness to which she has been subjected to. Then, the husband and wife are said to be â€Å"like sculpture effigies† in their â€Å"common bed,† lying â€Å"stone-still.† Instead of two lovers talking to each other and loving each other in their bed, a place shared between the two of them, they are â€Å"moveless† and silent. This makes modern love seem empty of joy, empty of companionship, and devoid of love. â€Å"Modern Love† also utilizes imagery to portray the sadness and tension of modern love. The wife is described as lying â€Å"stone-still.† They are both â€Å"moveless† as they look back through their â€Å"dead black years.† Their life is described as â€Å"black,† which provides the image of nothingness, as if there is no memory worth seeing. Their modern love provides no light with which their lives might be made happy. They are seen as â€Å"sculptured effigies,† wishing for the â€Å"sword that severs all.† Instead of wishing for a good relationship or positive time together, they want something to end their marriage, to end the one thing that ties them together. This modern love is not love at all, but a forced binding between two people who want nothing of it. The poetic sequence â€Å"Modern Love† by George Meredith conveys a dark and regretful view of modern love through heartbreaking tone, deep similes and metaphors, and intense imagery.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Significance Of Recruitment And Selection Business Essay

Significance Of Recruitment And Selection Business Essay Recruitment and selection process in an organization is important in order to attract an effective workforce. This is important because it would determine the business success and would affect the whole organization operation. One of the most valuable assets in an organization is the employees. Recruitment is defined as the process of attracting individuals on a timely basis, in sufficient numbers, and with appropriate qualifications, and encouraging them to apply for jobs with an organization (Mondy Noe, 2008). There are two main stages of recruitment. Firstly, strategic planning is needed to define the objectives and goals of the organization. Next, human resource planning is needed to identify the whether there are surplus or shortage of workers or just enough workers to achieve the organizational goals. The objective of recruitment is to attain the number and quality of employees that can be chosen to help the organisation achieve its objectives and goals. It also helps to create a pool of potential employees for the organisation in order for the management to select the right applicant for the right job. Selection is the process of choosing from a group of applicants the individual best suited for a particular position and organization (Mondy Noe, 2008). The vital goal of selection is to hire the candidate who is most suitable for the job duties and the culture of the organization. Using the right selection methods and delivering them effectively is important. Human resource managers can determine effective selection tools with the job when job analysis is carefully done.( Neil Kokemuller) Proper selection of candidates can reduce the cost of training because qualified candidate can perform well and achieve organizational goals. Selection can also reduce employee problems in the organization such as labour turnover and absenteeism. 2. Content Since recruitment and selection cost are significant, there are some alternatives to solve shortage of employees. The alternatives to recruitment are outsourcing, contingent workers, professional employer organization and overtime. Outsourcing is when the organization uses an external company to perform task and function of the organisation. Contingent workers are also known as temporary workers, part-time workers and just-in-time workers. When there is not enough full-time employees to complete some task, using contingent workers is a good choice. Professional employer organisation is companies that lease out their employees to organisations for a certain period. Overtime is when employees work for extra hours to deal with a large workload that is temporary. This way organisations save money on recruiting, selecting and training new employees. 2.1 Recruiting methods Recruitment source is the place where qualified individuals are found (Mondy Noe, 2008). Recruitment method is defined as the ways in which potential employees are attracted to an organisation (Kleynhans, 2006). Internal recruiting methods are employee database, employee referrals, job posting and job bidding. Employee database is able to show the organisation whether current employees have the required qualifications for filling the vacancies. Furthermore, an employee referral is when employees mention someone who is capable and suitable for the job opening to the recruiter. Job posting is a procedure of letting employees know there is a job vacancy whereas job bidding is a procedure that employees who believe that they possess the required qualifications to apply for the vacant position. There are several external recruiting methods. The methods commonly used are media advertising, job fairs, internships and employee agencies. Media advertising is a popular method. The organisation can put up its employment needs through various advertising means such as newspaper, internet, radio and television. Other than that, job fair is a recruiting method used by employers to attract large number of applicants to one location for interviews. Internship is where students are hired by an employer for a period of time into professional or technical position that relates to their area of study and prepare them for the workforce (Internship Definition, 2008). Employee agencies are organisation that aids to recruit employees and also help individuals to find for jobs. 2.2 Selection process The first step of selection process is preliminary interview. This step is to eliminate obviously unqualified candidates. The HR manager can conduct this step via telephone, video or virtual job interview. Telephone interview is commonly used as it saves time. The next step in selection process is review of applications and r à ©sumà ©. Evaluation of the applications of employment is done by the employer to determine whether the applicant is suitable for the position. Subsequently, the organization will administer some test such as work sample, job knowledge, psychomotor abilities test, vocational interest, and personality. Work sample test is used to test the ability of an individual to perform task that represent the job itself. Job knowledge test are used to test the applicants knowledge on duties of the job applied. Psychomotor abilities test assess the strength, coordination and agility of the applicant. Vocational interest test are used to test ones satisfaction or interest on the occupation. Personality test measures trait, temperaments and characters of the applicants. Employment interview is the oral examination of candidates for employment. The employer will exchange conversation with the applicants to evaluate them. There are two types of interview; structured and unstructured. Structured interview ask about questions related to the job whereas unstructured interview ask open-ended question. There are also four methods of interviewing which are one-on-one, group, broad and multiple interviews. Following the employment interview, investigation of the applicants background and reference are done to determine the truth of information stated. Previous employment, education verification, criminal history and personal reference check are some elements to verify. Next, selection decision is conducted. This is the most crucial step in the process. Candidate with the best qualification would be recruited by the organization. Lastly, medical examination is administered to see whether the candidate is physically capable to execute the job functions. If the applicants pass the whole process successfully, they will be notified to commence work as soon as possible. 2.3 Significance of Recruitment and Selection Recruitment and selection process is important for an organization to achieve its goals. When the right people are selected, the employee will produce productive results and stay with the organisation longer hence having a low employee turnover. If selection is not carefully done, the employee may make mistake which leads to a financial loss. It also wastes the time of human resource managers to go through the recruitment and selection process again. 3. Case development 3.1 Company description The company that we have chosen for our assignment is Public Bank Bhd. This company was start up in August 1966 by its Founder and Chairman, Tan Sri Dato Sri Dr. Teh Hong Piow. Public Bank is a top-tier bank in Malaysia. Public Bank Berhad is engaged in investment holding, stock-broking, provision of related financial services, management of unit trust funds and sale of trust units, underwriting of insurance. Furthermore, Public Bank also emphasises on a wide range of banking services such as commercial banking, investment banking, financing Islamic banking business and card businesses. In the market of banking services, Public Bank is the market leader in consumers banking and retail commercial lending to SMEs in Malaysia. Besides, Public Bank has about 250 branches throughout Malaysia .The company employs 90% in Malaysia which mean more than 14,000 people are employed by the company and the services that provides in each of the branches include deposit accounts, insurance plans, loans, insurance plan and as well as credit cards. In addition, it has more than 100 overseas branches in countries including Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Laos, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam. The Public Bank Group has demonstrated powerful capacity of transporting exceptionally high rates of organic growth in its core businesses. In other hand, this company perform six segments. Retail operations which concerning on transferring the products and services to all small and medium-size businesses. Second, hire purchase operations, the provision of passenger vehicle financing to all levels of customers are being concerned by hire purchase operations. Furthermore, corporate lending operations provide the financing needs of corporate customers. In addition, trading treasury related products and services is engaged in the treasury and capital market operations. Investment banking operations which provide the business needs of business customers. Last but not least, fund management operations which consist of sale of trust units and the management of unit trust funds. Besides, Public Bank`s banking and management excellence has continued to be accorded prestigious domestic and international recognition. Furthermore, its excellence performance has received several awards granted by highly reliable institution and magazines. These awards included the Best Domestic Commercial Bank in Malaysia by Asiamoney and The Asset, Best Local bank in Malaysia by FinanceAsia and Euromoney, Best Bank in Malaysia by Global Finance and the Most outstanding Annual Report Award. In other hand, Between the 40 mainly well regarded Malaysian companies, Public Bank was ranked at 2 in year 2003. The bank also won the KLSE Corporate Excellence Award for the fourth consecutive year and the inaugural Malaysian Business Corporate Governance Award in year 2003, becoming the standard bearer of good corporate governance practices in Malaysia. Human capital is the most valuable assets for Public Bank Group. The Public Bank Group is committed in generating its human capital and determine the need for a powerful performance reward system to encourage their employees to perform better by rewarding their employees. Previously, Public Bank Group still stands out as one of the strongest and successful financial services group during the global recessionary economic conditions. Besides, Public Bank Group reward the staff with higher bonus as a result of their excellent performance. The compensation make up of a basic salary of RM 2,800 per month for entry level, other benefits and caring environment for the right applicants. With increasing online purchasing, Public Bank is now providing internet banking services, .The security of the internet banking was improved with an alert mechanism that is well-qualified to identifying and diminishing doubtful account activities and preventing unauthorised access. Besides, this internet banking system allows customers to make payment for regular bills. In branches, every customer service delivery is improved with special care counters for senior citizens, expectant mothers and the disabled. Moreover, in each of the branches it provide convenient one-stop assistance for customer enquiries on loans. 3.2 Company recruitment practices and implementation There are two recruitment methods; internal and external. Public Bank uses both methods but mainly on external. Internal recruitment method Promotion from within The internal recruitment source that used by Public Bank is promotion from within. In general it is a procedure that the manager has stated a promise to consider promoting current employees for an opportunity before employing applicants from outside the organization. One of the employees, Tan Sri Datuk Seri Utama Thong Yaw Hong who was the Director in June 1986 and made Chairman in October 1986, now serves as Independent Non-Executive Co-Chairman of the Board at Public Bank Bhd (Reuters). External recruitment method Online Recruiting Method Public Bank is using external recruitment sources to find qualified individuals. One of the external recruitment source that usually used by Public Bank is online recruiting. Public Bank post their job vacancy on their company website and job search engine such as Media Advertising Besides, external recruitment method that used by Public Bank to attract potential employees is media advertising. The most common media advertising that used by Public Bank to convey their employment needs is through newspaper namely in The Star Jobs section. Job fair Moreover, Public Bank also used Job fair as one of the external recruitment method. Job fair is a exposition or fair that organized by an organization for the purpose of matching job seekers and people who seek for a job. One of the job fair that Public Bank has involved is the MCTF 12( Malaysia Career and Training Fair 2012). Before the Job fair Public Bank may posted their vacancy job detail on their website. The detail included minimum qualification, previous employment, communication skill and so on. Public Bank usually will transfer their employees from one department to another department. And this could bring the benefit of providing a excellent candidates for Public Bank to fill a vacancy. 3.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Recruiting Methods Promotion from within . Because the current employees had gone through the training that provide by company and it take the current employee much less time to become efficiency and effective to the new job because current employee is already familiar with their job, so the current employees is someone who is capable for the empty job in the company. Besides, it is economical. By using the internal recruitment source, Public Bank has eliminated the cost of advertising, interviewing, training and development since the current employee has familiar with their works. In other hand, current employees have worked for the company for a period of time. So they are able to fit in with the company culture. It is very important because it could help to achieve organization efficiency. For example, employees who can work well with their colleague improve the efficiency in productivity of the organization because a person work in a warm and good culture environment could improve the productivity of the organization. Besides, this internal recruitment practices could motivate the employees. It encourages the employees to work hard and get promoted. One of the disadvantages of promotion from within is limited choice for the company. The selection of applicants is forced to be done from a limited pool. Due to this, the quality of applicant may need to be sacrificed and resolved in applicants that have less qualification. Other than that, candidates from within do not have a new ideas. Employees from within could not bring in outside talents and skills to maintain new ideas and plans to come in. And this will not make the company grow and improve. Moreover, promotion also can be resulted in inefficiency as it only focus on the services length rather than value, and it may be a good thing for inefficient candidates as they will not need to work hard in order to prove that they are worth to stay in the organisation. Online Recruiting The advantage of e-recruiting is that it saves cost on promoting company vacancy because it is free for Public Bank since it is placed on their website. Secondly, it is also easy to place an online advertisement. HR Managers dont need an in-depth knowledge on IT since most job sites and CV database are user-friendly. By using the external recruitment source of online recruiting, it is also time-consuming because it will generate many unqualified candidates. The human resource managers will waste time trying to filter and sift out all of the unqualified candidates. When they are choosing candidates, they will become confused because there are too many candidates. Media advertising The reason that Public Bank using this method is newspaper advertising can appeal to a wider audience. Those audiences have different backgrounds, specialized knowledge and experience. Public Bank can refer to their viewpoint and try to apply in their business. It can also help to fill the vacancies fast. However, there are many disadvantages for advertising too. Advertising will waste a lot of money. It will not be cost-effective. It is also time-consuming because it will generate many unqualified candidates. The human resource managers will waste time trying to filter and sift out all of the candidates. When they are choosing candidates, they will become confused because there are too many candidates. Career Fair Through this career fair Public Bank had the chance to meet up large number of applicant in a short time. Besides, this fair allow the employers to meet their potential employee face to face, exchange information and impress them. However there are some cons on job fair too. One of the cons is during the job fair the environment may be very noisy and overcrowded. This could affect the recruiting process. Besides, it is time consuming, the employers may meet a lot of unqualified employees and it may take some time to filter the unqualified employees. 3.4 Selection Process After the recruitment process, Public Bank will undergo selection process. Selection means choosing the best individual best suited the particular position in Public Bank from a group of qualified applicants. Public Bank want to make sure that the applicants is properly matched with jobs and organization by selection process. The selection process in Public Bank is done step by step after Public bank recruited qualified people throughout the selection methods. The first process is preliminary interview. The main objective Public bank do this process is to eliminate the obviously unqualified individuals. Public bank will phone the candidates recruited to have a telephone conversation. In the conversation, the applicants will be eliminate once they are found not fulfill the qualification. Second process is review application and resumes. Qualified applicants will send their resume according to the jobs they apply. Summary of experience, education, training development must include in the resume for the process of selection. Public Bank will check for the validity and reliability of the resume in different ways such as make a phone call to the university he or she graduated, make a phone call to his or her last company to check for his or her experience and personality. The third process is having a selection test. In Public Bank, they basically will have cognitive test, job knowledge test and work sample test. Public Bank will give the applicants an IQ test form to fill up, to make sure the ability of applicants and how well he or she can perform a job. After that, Public Bank will give them job knowledge tests to measure how deep their knowledge about the position. After that, Public Bank will create a situation and require applicant to solve it based on their experience. This is the best way to test the ability of the applicant, to find out how applicants deal with the uncertainty and solve the problem with best solution. Fourth process is employment interview. Public Bank will ask the applicants come to branch to have a face-to-face interview. Basically, the interviewer will ask about occupational experience, academic achievement, interpersonal skills and how well applicants try to fit into the organization. Public Bank will uses both structured and unstructured interview. First ask applicants to introduce themselves, lists out their strength and weaknesses. After that, the interviewer will ask about the job related question. Public bank usually uses one-on-one interview method. Fifth process is pre-employment screening. Public Bank wants to determine the accuracy of information submitted by applicants. Public bank will checks applicants previous employment, education, criminal history, compensation history and credit history. The validity of information is very important; this is to make sure they hire the best workers among the applicants. Sixth process is selection decision, the most important and critical step. Interviewer will discuss with their head of department and head of human resource management to choose the person most closely conform to the open position and organization. Final process is to notify the applicant who being chosen. Public Bank will inform them as soon as possible by email and formal letter. 3.5 Advantages of the practice of Selection methods in H.R management Save time and cost When Public Bank does the preliminary interview, it helps to reduce time and effort. This method can eliminates weak candidates and send the high quality applicants for the second interview. Phone call will not cost Public Bank as much as compare to face-to-face interview and effort of interviewer. It is also a way to test for the verbal skills by having tele-conversation. If the applicants cannot perform well in tele-conversation, for sure they will also not perfom well during face-to-face interview which require higher verbal skills include body language, eye contact and movement. Increase efficiency Applicants will be given a selection tests. All the results obtain from the selection test will be standardize and uniform. Hence, it will be faster during make comparison between applicants, directly increase the efficiency of selection process. Other that, structure interview also will increase the efficiency of selection process because the question is similar for the entire applicant such as introduce yourself. By this, interviewer will have a best formal answer and determine which applicant will give the answer most close to the formal answer. Increase reliability and accuracy Public Bank will have a background and references checks after face-to-face interview with the applicants. They want to make sure that information given by applicants is not fraud and certificates and documents submitted are recognized by the issuing units. Once the issuing units confirmed the certificates and documents thus prove the applicants have the qualification with proper education background. If records are not found when refer to the issuing units, thus can eliminate the applicant to prevent organization hire the unqualified worker. Disadvantages of the practice of Selection methods in H.R management Interviewer may have bias to certain group of people Public Bank is using one-on-one interview method. This method is quite inappropriate when the interviewer is biased to certain group of people. The performance of applicants is very subjective due to the perspective of the interviewer. For example, when the interviewer believe that man will perform better in banking industry compare to woman, no matter how well the women performance during the interview or having higher education of that area, having more experience, she will still not been selected because of the point of view of the interviewer. This may cause Public Bank lose a better worker thus directly reduce competitive advantage. Time consuming Public Bank want to increase reliability and accuracy but in another hand waste time. To check for the validity of certificates and documents, the issuing units need time to proceed. While waiting for the feedback from issuing unit, applicants may search for other jobs. Once they found the information given by selected applicant is fraud, they need to select another applicant and go through this process again. Besides that, by having one-one-one interview method, it takes times to review all the applicants. As we know time is crucial because when the applicants wait for a long time and do not receive any feedback, they may search for other job opportunity.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Hawthorne :: essays research papers fc

"Young Goodman Brown", by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is a story that is thick with allegory. "Young Goodman Brown" is a moral story which is told through the perversion of a religious leader. In "Young Goodman Brown", Goodman Brown is a Puritan minister who lets his excessive pride in himself interfere with his relations with the community after he meets with the devil, and causes him to live the life of an exile in his own community. "Young Goodman Brown" begins when Faith, Brown's wife, asks him not to go on an "errand". Goodman Brown says to his "love and (my) Faith" that "this one night I must tarry away from thee." When he says his "love" and his "Faith", he is talking to his wife, but he is also talking to his "faith" to God. He is venturing into the woods to meet with the Devil, and by doing so, he leaves his unquestionable faith in God with his wife. He resolves that he will "c ling to her skirts and follow her to Heaven." This is an example of the excessive pride because he feels that he can sin and meet with the Devil because of this promise that he made to himself. There is a tremendous irony to this promise because when Goodman Brown comes back at dawn; he can no longer look at his wife with the same faith he had before. When Goodman Brown finally meets with the Devil, he declares that the reason he was late was because "Faith kept me back awhile." This statement has a double meaning because his wife physically prevented him from being on time for his meeting with the devil, but his faith to God psychologically delayed his meeting with the devil. The Devil had with him a staff that "bore the likeness of a great black snake". The staff which looked like a snake is a reference to the snake in the story of Adam and Eve. The snake led Adam and Eve to their destruction by leading them to the Tree of Knowledge. The Adam and Eve story is similar to Goodman Brown in that they are both seeking unfathomable amounts of knowledge. Once Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge they were expelled from their paradise. The Devil's staff eventually leads Goodman Brown to the Devil's ceremony which destroys Goodman Brown's faith in his fellow man, therefore expelling him from his utopia. Hawthorne :: essays research papers fc "Young Goodman Brown", by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is a story that is thick with allegory. "Young Goodman Brown" is a moral story which is told through the perversion of a religious leader. In "Young Goodman Brown", Goodman Brown is a Puritan minister who lets his excessive pride in himself interfere with his relations with the community after he meets with the devil, and causes him to live the life of an exile in his own community. "Young Goodman Brown" begins when Faith, Brown's wife, asks him not to go on an "errand". Goodman Brown says to his "love and (my) Faith" that "this one night I must tarry away from thee." When he says his "love" and his "Faith", he is talking to his wife, but he is also talking to his "faith" to God. He is venturing into the woods to meet with the Devil, and by doing so, he leaves his unquestionable faith in God with his wife. He resolves that he will "c ling to her skirts and follow her to Heaven." This is an example of the excessive pride because he feels that he can sin and meet with the Devil because of this promise that he made to himself. There is a tremendous irony to this promise because when Goodman Brown comes back at dawn; he can no longer look at his wife with the same faith he had before. When Goodman Brown finally meets with the Devil, he declares that the reason he was late was because "Faith kept me back awhile." This statement has a double meaning because his wife physically prevented him from being on time for his meeting with the devil, but his faith to God psychologically delayed his meeting with the devil. The Devil had with him a staff that "bore the likeness of a great black snake". The staff which looked like a snake is a reference to the snake in the story of Adam and Eve. The snake led Adam and Eve to their destruction by leading them to the Tree of Knowledge. The Adam and Eve story is similar to Goodman Brown in that they are both seeking unfathomable amounts of knowledge. Once Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge they were expelled from their paradise. The Devil's staff eventually leads Goodman Brown to the Devil's ceremony which destroys Goodman Brown's faith in his fellow man, therefore expelling him from his utopia.